Give The Best Impression With TOLOKA Exterior Design
Do you consider replacing your old roof or install a new one? Then, we ought to advise you to contact professional general contractors, such as Toloka Corporation. We are a nationwide, licensed company that provides its services using qualitative, modern materials and experienced professionals. We are here to do all the work for you, saving your precious time and money.

Different types of roofs
If you are not sure what type of roofing you would like, we will be happy to help you. Toloka Corporation provides on-site budget and timeline evaluation and presents a wide range of different designs, materials, and colors for your new roof. Moreover, the online exterior and the interior constructor are located on our website. It is an excellent 3D visualization app that’ll help you realize what fits your home.
Roofing materials for oblique roofs
Toloka Corporation is a licensed General Contractor and Builder that has established a strong, mutually beneficial relationship with lots of manufacturers all over the country. For example, our company is James Hardie preferred contractor, which makes us officially licensed to install JH products. We provide a warranty for all of the works our crews do and for the materials we offer. Toloka Corporation can create a particular custom-made roof for you, using a wide range of materials, such as wood shakes, concrete, clay, metal, and many others. Let’s take a look at a list of the supplies that can be used.

Metal Roofs
The average cost of the metal roof often depends on the type of material, which was used, its size, and manufacturer. This type of roofing is considered one of the most commonly used, and more importantly, it is pretty affordable. Metal roof has matchless features, such as excellent durability, a wide range of colors that can be applied, and multiple different patterns. Most storage and production facilities use corrugated metal panels as roofing and siding materials, while the Slite Shingle type is widely used for residential houses. Toloka Corporation has excellent experience in installation and remodeling services for the galvalume, Terne, stainless steel, copper, and steel standing seam supplies. We created a shortlist of the most commonly installed roofing materials, and we encourage you to look at them.

Tin Roofs
Its name “Tin” can mislead you, as most of them are no longer produced of tin. These days they are more known as Terne roofing materials. They are made of steel and, usually, coated with tin, then painted with a chosen color. Tin roofing is considered to be more high-end material and designed to be suitable for residential houses. Shortly, it is incredibly durable, withstanding any weather conditions, and has a longtime reputation.

Steel Roofs
There is nothing much to say about steel roofing, which homeowners don’t know already. It became a commonly used material more than decades from now. A lot of commercial and manufacturing buildings had steel roofing because of their long-lasting appearance feature. You wouldn’t need to worry about it at least for 50 years in case of proper maintenance and frequent inspections. Moreover, steel roofing is quite affordable, and in pair with its durability, it may become an excellent investment for your house.

Copper Roofs
The most important thing we ought to mention is that copper roofing requires professional installation. It is an expensive and high-end material, which is not typically used because of its price. If you decided to set copper roofing, we strongly recommend contacting a licensed and experienced General Contractor, such as Toloka Corporation. It will surely save your time and may result in lower expenses for your new roof.

Tile Roofs
Tile roofing is one of the oldest materials, which was used centuries ago. Nowadays, it is mainly made of concrete, metal, and traditional clay. Tile roofing common usage can be explained by its relatively affordable price, a wide range of materials to be made of, and special, unique appearance. It indeed adds a more sophisticated look to your house while providing you with long-lasting durability. However, your roof framing should be reinforced if you decide to install tile roofing, resulting in higher installation costs. Therefore, we strongly recommend contacting Toloka Corporation to determine whether your awning requires strengthening before ordering. In addition, we encourage you to look at the most common tile roofing materials and choose the most suitable.

Clay Tile Roofs
This type of material may seem more costly than the others, but with Toloka Corporation, you will get the best supplies at lower prices from a manufacturer. Their price can be compared to the copper roofing. However, clay has higher durability and tends to last longer. Unlike other steel roofing materials, it doesn’t require much maintenance and has excellent insulation qualities. We ought to warn you that tiles should be installed only on inclined roofs, so water would run down, not staying on it. Clay tiles are made to be water-resistant, but prolonged contact with moisture or sudden temperature change can cause warping or cracking.

Concrete Tile Roofs
Concrete tiles sound too heavy to be installed on the roof but have their advantages. Firstly, before setting up this type of roofing, we provide a thorough inspection of your roof framing if strengthening or repairing works should be provided. It is essential to make a proper estimation, which will show if there is a need to change your existing rafters. Concrete tiles themselves can be an excellent alternative to clay, as they don’t require maintenance and highly durable. Moreover, unlike pottery tiles, they can come in a variety of different colors to suit your house at their best. Concrete is also water-resistant material, and prolonged water contact will not harm. As we mentioned, the only disadvantage of them is their heaviness. However, installing concrete tiles leads to strengthening your roof, which means more safety in case of natural disasters.

Spanish Tile Roofs
This type of roofing can be made of concrete, clay, or steel. Likewise, Spanish tiles require a thorough roof framing inspection and strengthening, before installation, because of their weight. Their significant feature, which separates them from other types, is their more aesthetical appearance, resulting in a higher price. Moreover, Spanish tiles are durable and make a significant investment in your house, adding a particular value to your home if you would like to resale it.

Slate Roofs
Slate roofing is considered to be one of the most expensive options available on the market. For those, who are not familiar with this type, we remind you that it is made of a natural stone, which became quite rare these days. It has an overwhelming installation price because of the high-end supplies, complicated installation and typically requires additional roof strengthening. In addition, we ought to warn you that the outdoor impact of the heavy storms and tree branches can reduce its lifetime from 200 to 70 years. Toloka Corporation has a license to install slate roofing if you want to invest your money into this durable and exceptionally durable option. It doesn’t require much maintenance but needs inspection of the framing underneath to ensure that it remains in good condition. Moreover, slate roofing can be transformed into green roofing by adding soil with grass on it, which is not available in steel roofing.

Wood and Cedar Shake Roofs
The estimated average lifetime of the wood or cedar shake roofing can be prolonged up to 40 years. Most of them are made of cedar, rarely treated pine or spruce, which have a great texture when it comes to appearance. We can also provide a synthetically created cedar shake, which may have a 50-year lifespan, and doesn’t involve any maintenance. However, with previously mentioned natural materials, every homeowner would be required to clean off the debris of their wooden roofing with a garden hose. This will prolong the life of your roof and prevent the accumulation of mold or moss. Proper maintenance before the rainy season and re-coating them every 3-5 years will undoubtedly keep them looking new and fresh. We recently discovered that a set of wooden tiles was found underneath the church roof, and its estimated age is approximately 175 years. With that mentioned, we believe that your new cedar roof will last half as long at least, with a correct keep up.
Materials for Flat Roofing
When it comes to flat roof materials, we strongly suggest that instead of wooden shingles, tiles, or steel sheets, you would install layers of plastic or rubber sealed using flame or blowtorch. It is also recommended to spray the entire roof with a compound to make it waterproof. Most of the research reveals that flat roofs are much less likely to conduct heat, reducing its loss during winter and keeping your house cooler every hot season. Let’s take a look at the most common flat roofing materials that Toloka Corporation provides.

Bitumen Roofs
Bitumen or modified bitumen is a material made of asphalt and strengthened with fiberglass or polyester. Such a compound makes a long-lasting and durable surface. Moreover, it is considered one of the most affordable options, perfectly suitable for garage or separately standing grill and workshop areas. It is easy to install and does not require much maintenance. Simple cleaning with a garden hose is enough to keep up its appearance and make it less dusty.

PVC Roofs
Nowadays, PVC roofs are typically made in white color and are widely used as membrane roof solutions. We usually place them on top of the insulation and sometimes add fasteners to its edges so that they will stay on the roof. In addition, its white coating is used to repel the sun’s rays in order to keep the inside of the building cool during the hottest summer.

Built-Up Roofs
This type of roofing is commonly used in storage or production facilities because of its lasting and durable features. Built-up roofs are made of a couple of ply sheet layers and melted asphalt applied on top. Its upper coating can be made brighter or darker color, absorbing or reflecting the sun’s rays, depending on the project. In addition, built-up roofs require a durable concrete frame that will withstand the great weight of the built-up roof.

Spray-on Roofs
Spray-on Roof’s name says for itself, and it’s typically a polyurethane layer applied to your flat roof. It is a perfect solution for low-budget remodeling projects and is generally used all over the country. Polyurethane or more expensive silicon spray-on roofs are waterproof and have a lovely appearance. However, they don’t have excellent durability or stable features.
Additional Types of Roofing
For those, who didn’t find appealing one of the previously mentioned types, Toloka Corporation offers additional ones. For example, let’s say you would like to make your house more environmentally friendly: our company can provide Solar Roofs or Green Roofing to be installed at your home. Let’s take a look at their advantages and disadvantages.

Green Roofs
So-called green roofs recently became popular, especially in big cities, where vegetation can only be found at parks or small squares. This solution is very appealing to a considerable number of homeowners, as it creates a particular bond between humanity and nature. Moreover, green roofs can increase the oxygen level, especially needful in urban areas. With us, you can choose the type of vegetation you would like to see on the top of your house and decide what portion of it is covered.

Solar Roofs
Solar Roofs are usually installed in the most illuminated areas in our country so that they will be more efficient. Based on Google Project Sunroof data, most of the research reveals that homeowners with solar roofing reimburse at least half of their cost in 30 years, including the value of energy generated. Additionally, government tax credits can return you up to 10% of the energy-efficient roof cost. Furthermore, solar panels typically didn’t require much maintenance and were provided with a warranty from the manufacturer. With that said, Toloka Corporation considers solar roofing a significant investment in your future and into the house’s resale value.
Why is it essential to rely your roofing on the professional General Contractor
We can assure you that professional workers perform better roofing projects. The whole remodeling process will indeed be made in a short time, with warranties on the materials provided by manufacturers. In addition, Toloka Corporation takes full responsibility for the sustained installation works, adding a guarantee for its services, and will provide you with a thorough inspection after the work is completed. So why should you rely on professionals?
- After removing the previous roof, we will make sure to repair and patch up all of the framing issues that can cause leaks.
- We make sure to create a perfect seal to protect your house from weather conditions while installing a new roof.
- Insulation materials provided by Toloka Corporation will almost certainly decrease your costs for heating and cooling.
- Good, precise installation work is visible for everyone, even for those who don’t have experience in construction.
- The old roof will be removed, and our company will dispose of it correctly, to avoid a negative impact on the environment.
- Every our client receives a good warranty on the services and materials that we provide.
Create your new roofing with Toloka Corporation
Toloka Corporation provides only the best materials for you to choose from the whole country. As General Contractor and Builder, we can make such projects without involving third parties, using our pool of small and trusted subcontractor companies, providing you with complete roofing installation services. That’s why Toloka Corporation is strongly recommended for hiring when it comes to roof remodeling projects.
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