Siding services

Siding services in Calgary and Vancouver

As professionals, we should always start with the meanings of our services. SIDING is the greatest part of our work in the construction field of Calgary, Vancouver and the nearest cities. We need to be sure that our client has a full understanding of the information we give. No difficult words. No definitions.

If you want to get the real sense of siding or siding board, you’d better imagine a blanket on your bed. Every person prefers different sizes and materials. So goes with your house.

Siding is a blanket to the building you call your home. It can be gentle, 100% natural and look like pure Mother Nature. Or it could be harsh, made of the warmest treads, and weight a ton.

All this depends only on you – OUR CLIENT.


It’s also important to say that exterior siding material is one of the most expensive line items at house construction and renovation. The first impression of your home depends mostly on three factors: desired aesthetic view, local climate, and your budget. There is one more point – the factor of professionalism. TOLOKA General Contractor&Builder can assure you that all the products we use are certified. We conduct installation considering every detail and guarantee superior quality and correspondence to international standards.

TOLOKA General Contractor&Builder is here to help you realize the difference between the main kinds of siding. Here is our brief overview of the top most used siding materials.

Vinyl siding

Vinyl siding is a synthetic material available in many colors and styles manufactured to look like natural materials. The quality of this siding depends on the price. The specifics are that vinyl can’t be painted over, so you need to make your tint choice before the installation. This heavy plastic base is a really durable and low-maintenance siding board. Some people call it “plastic-like” and disregard its noticeable seams. But weather and insect resistance mean much more.

Wood siding

If you prefer more natural house looks, wood siding will get your attention in a minute. Different species and styles, easy installation, and ready to be painted whenever you want. All this comes together with high maintenance, regular staining or repainting every 3-5 years, and the possibility to be damaged by termites or rot. Although eco-friendly style and beauty prevail.

Fiber cement siding

Fiber cement siding is a less expensive choice, more durable, and a man-made combination of wood fibers, sand, clay, and cement. The name of our certified contractor, James Hardie, mostly goes with this type of siding. It has hundreds of possible hues, insect resistance, and is non-flammable. Amongst the cons, there are heaviness, first artificial glance, and repainting need.

Engineered wood siding

One more eco option that has to be mentioned is engineered wood siding. It’s lighter than wood siding though is made of wood fibers. Innovative types of this board are very durable and stable to extreme temperatures. But its renovation and repainting should be consulted with professionals.

Acquainted with this review, go out and observe your house carefully. Is your current siding cracked or warped? Are there any holes or faded looks? Are any loose boards present? If your answer is YES, call us and choose the right option for your home.


  • Durability
  • Colors and tints variation
  • Weather resistance
  • Temperature resistance
  • Different textures
  • Price for every budget

OUR CONTRACTORS in Calgary and Vancouver

  • JamesHardie is the most famous siding construction company with long-lasting colors, customized designs, and superior durability. We have certified offers of HardieTrim and HardiePanel.
  • EasyTrim Reveals provides only tested and approved ACM panels and the exclusive Fiber Cement Trim System created for years.
  • Allura Siding has world top products with a deep realistic look and texture, and a flawless Spectrum Finishing System with 30 colors available.
  • LongBoard has established a brand new Panelboard System with three options to choose from: Tongue&Groove, Link&Lock, and Privacy Beams.


  • Corrugated Metal Wall Panels: great for marketplaces, commercials, or agricultural buildings.
  • Cedar Siding: a fragrant and adorable wooden option for your home exterior.
  • Stucco Siding: a texture-oriented building material allowed to be established only by professionals.
  • Stone Siding: a sophisticated and castle-looking options for exclusive clients.

Do you hesitate what to choose?

Our consultant will answer all your questions, just send your contacts and we will call you within 20 minutes. Or send your questions to our e-mail.




    Contact Us


    • Address in Calgary: 43 Bridlecrest Blvd SW, Calgary, AB, T2Y4X9 Canada
    • Address in Vancouver: 1500 West Georgia St, Suite 1300 Vancouver, BC, V6G 2Z6

    Call Us Now