Green Roofing

Green Roofing As Your Eco-Contribution

When installing any roofing material, mold and mildew seem to be a problem. We have to use special chemical treatments to stop ruining the roof. This is a big question for houses located in wet climates. TOLOKA General Contractor&Builder is always desperate to give our clients solutions to any problems. So, green roofing could be your solution.

A green roof system is a beautiful and eco-friendly accessory to the existing roof. It’s composed of plants that are planted modularly or with several drainage levels. There’s another uncommon name for this roof type – sod roof. The most considerable profit of a green roof is durability. For sure, traveling through villages, you have seen tiny houses with green shingles. And it’s significant to say these roofs are more than 50 years old. 

Nowadays, we just improve the green roof construction by implementing new features, new vegetation species. Green roofs are installed as an appendix to the present top. For instance, with qualified help, you can get a green metal roof. That is why a specific eco-objective isn’t obligatory. 

Types Of Green Roofing

Just dirt and water aren’t enough to construct the green roof. Moreover, such a roof commonly doesn’t contain soil but perlite or other porous lightweight materials. It’s vital to investigate the structure of your building, roof. The peculiarities of climate will determine plant selection. According to these points, below is the description of widespread green roof types.

Extensive Green Roofs

They are suitable for large residential buildings with flat, low-sloped, or remodeled roofs. What concerns plants, desert grasses, and succulent kinds are used. One year after installation, an extensive green roof doesn’t require watering. This reduces maintenance costs and efforts to zero. Only annual spring weeding is essential, as birds and wind will bring tree seedings. 

Extensive green roofs have five popular kinds:

Sedum mat or Sedum roof

These roofs have a ground of polyester, hessian, or porous polythene. The pre-installation process includes spreading sedum seeds onto the 20mm layer of the growing medium. When a desirable height is achieved, the sedum blanket is rolled and transported to the installation site. Then it’s rolled out onto another growing medium or a moisture retention layer.

Substrate-based green roofs

The growing base of this green roof is 80 mm of substrate that involves about 20% of organic ingredients. The construction ground includes a filter sheet, drainage layer, and protection layer. Among vegetation, there are common sedums and wildflowers.

Brown roofs for biodiversity

The main idea of this project is to recycle construction waste like brick and concrete. It’s mixed with soil, so seeds of plants can grow here. However, a weak point of brown roofs is that some builders throw away inappropriate recycling materials. So, we get limited water holding capacity and poor roof quality.

Biodiverse green roofs

This is the improved brown roof. It’s called “green” because of the higher organic content in the substrate. Primary layers are modified and quality-controlled. That’s how we get a green roof with greater water absorption and the ability to grow native plant mixes.

Intensive Green Roofs

Beautiful rooftop gardens are called intensive green roofs. They grow higher than extensive and are fully landscaped. You can have diverse plants and trees grounded, though avoiding invasive root systems. These green roofs can be decorated with walkways, railings, and lighting. They are heavy, so they don’t fit with all roof construction types. There’s one specific feature that makes green roofs not so popular: regular maintenance. Depending on the plant or tree species, intensive care is required. 

More of a stronger roof can handle an intensive green roof with deep soils. Urban rooftop farms are also considered to be a variant of this roof type.

Semi-intensive Green Roofs

These are the mix of intensive and expensive green roofs. Their price varies depending on the garden diversity and maintenance expenses.

The Blue-And-Green Roof

Here is the talk not about roof colors but even more of an environmental contribution. Traditional green roofs have a drainage system, whereas a blue roof increases and controls water storage. Such a blend of two technologies is a renewed old roof design. 

Blue roofs can reserve water for reuse and have recreational opportunities. There are construction variants of installing such roofs under paving or shingles and a support layer for a green roof.

Biosolar Green Roofs

Boost your eco-consciousness to a new level with biosolar green roofs. This is where solar power combines with roof greening. If properly designed, such a roof will become a famous spot in your location. There are many benefits from this green roof: no waterproof layers are needed; light and rain can sink into the solar panels for good plant growth.

Mostly extensive green roofs are used for such a merge with solar panels.

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Green Roofs

The Advantages Of Green Roofs

A green roof reduces the risk of flooding and makes the groundwater level stabilized. Redundant water is evaporated through plants.

More plants mean more CO2 conversion and more oxygen formation.

50% of sunlight is absorbed, and 30% is reflected. This turns into decreased energy bills.

A green roof absorbs sound and makes your house more comfortable.

If you install a green roof over a conventional one, its lifespan can be doubled or tripled. However, this roof type is long-lasting by itself too.

The biodiversity of your city will be increased.

An immense amount of moisture will prevent your building from burning.

Low maintenance

The Disadvantages Of Green Roofs

There’s a more substantial possibility of damage caused by harsh weather than with other roof materials. Thus it’s significant to get roof insurance.

If there was an improper pre-installation roof observation, some sagging issues might appear.

This feature concern unprofessional installation as well, as roots growing through the shingles cause roof problems.

Do you hesitate what to choose?

Our consultant will answer all your questions, just send your contacts and we will call you within 20 minutes. Or send your questions to our e-mail.




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