Engineered Wood Siding

A Man-Made Siding With Real Wood

The word “engineered” does sound like something artificial. But TOLOKA General Contractor&Builder has to calm you: you’ll still get natural wood installing this type of siding. Engineered wood siding is manufactured specifically for designs where you need to meet unnatural size requirements. Mostly, this siding is made of different hardwood and softwood types in combination with additives.

Multiple layers of wood called ply are reformed with the help of heat, glue, and pressure. As layers run in divergent directions, this engineered siding is very stable. Builders use it for home construction purposes, commercial renovation, or industrial projects.

Engineered Wood Siding in Vancouver

Why We Like Engineered Wood Siding

To better understand the engineered or manufactured wood siding, it is essential to know its characteristics. And not only positive ones. TOLOKA General Contractor&Builder values any disadvantage of a product as it’s just one more reason to improve our skills.

Engineered Wood Siding Advantages

As this siding is manufactured from by-products, its price significantly differs from other siding types. Again, though, engineered wood siding costs can vary depending on the basic kind of wood.

The manufactured process of engineered wood invests in its temperature flexibility. So, some humidity or moisture won’t cause warping or cracking. It’s termite, mold, and mildew resistant as well.

No special tools are needed to install the engineered wood siding quickly.

It’s called a green building material as most engineered wood types are made from recycled wood.

Engineered Wood Siding Disadvantages

If there are any damages caused to the engineered wood surface, impacts could be cost-intensive. You should do the proper maintenance immediately not to let moisture in.

Engineered wood has visible wood strips. For some customers, it may seem a big minus.

Do you hesitate what to choose?

Our consultant will answer all your questions, just send your contacts and we will call you within 20 minutes. Or send your questions to our e-mail.


    Popular Types of Engineered Wood

    Diverse engineered or composite wood siding types have many purposes. Here we tell you about the most commonly used engineered panel siding. But we need to ensure you that TOLOKA General Contractro&Builder can find any design solutions. In case you’d like, for instance, engineered board and batten siding, we’ll find the best construction option to meet your needs.

    LVL or Laminated Veneer Lumber

    LVL or Laminated Veneer Lumber

    It’s constructed from thin sheets of wood but can hold heavy loads. LVL is great for beams and exclusive structural constructions.

    AC Plywood

    AC Plywood

    Aesthetics of this type stays at the highest level. Commonly used for floors and ceilings, AC Plywood is suitable for wall siding as well. Unfortunately, it’s one of the most expensive types of engineered wood siding.

    OSB or Oriented Strand Board

    OSB or Oriented Strand Board

    Strands and fibers of the wood are glued with hot wax and adhesive. That’s how OSB or a cheaper AC Plywood alternative is manufactured. It’s great for wall sheathing.

    CDX Plywood

    CDX Plywood

    It’s a more vital type of Plywood with more petite and visual beauty. Engineered wood siding brands use it for many structural options.



    This engineered wood type is produced to carry old, even heavier loads. It’s nice for all areas of structural construction.



    Contact Us


    • Address in Calgary: 43 Bridlecrest Blvd SW, Calgary, AB, T2Y4X9 Canada
    • Address in Vancouver: 1500 West Georgia St, Suite 1300 Vancouver, BC, V6G 2Z6

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