The Essence of Built-Up Roofing
More and more domestic properties and outbuildings decide on BUR or built-up roofing. It’s one of the cheapest roof choices. TOLOKA General Contractor&Builder is right here to give you detailed information on this roofing type. You have possibly encountered three different names for it: BUR roofing, built-up bituminous roofing, and finally built-up felt roofing. The thing is, they all mean the same concept. Let us dig into its essence.
A built-up roof system is a roof construction consisting of numerous layers of roof felts laminated together with bitumen. Various felt types could be used: bitumen-saturated, coated, polyester, etc. There are also diverse BUR surfaces, like asphalt, aggregate (gravel or slag, emulsion, or a cap sheet of granules).
Built-up roof membrane involves more than four sheets:
- Wooden joints for support
- The roof deck structure
- A vapor regulation coat
- Unbending insulation (OPTIONAL)
- Roofing felts
It’s obligatory to stick to every step of the installation process accurately and carefully. That’s why TOLOKA General Contractor&Builder cooperates with professional companies that have experience in built-up roofing installations.

Builit-Up Roofing Types
There are three frequently used types of roof built-up. Their price and mounting time depend on the material you’ll choose.
Hot Built-Up Roof
The name of this type speaks for itself. A rubberized hot-melt adhesive is incorporated into the roof surface. This protects your top from holes and scratches and adds flexibility. The water-resistance factor is present as well as durability.
Cold Built-Up Roof
A cold built-up roof is a solution if it’s necessary to keep a building occupied during roof installation or construction. There are no unpleasant smells. Ingredients can be solvent-free and include recycled materials. This type of roof absorbs less heat, so air conditioning use is decreased.
Ballasted Asphalt Built-Up
The peculiarity of this roof variant is installation without adhesion. Just loose gravel with stones of large diameter has to be spread over the deck. That’s why it’s commonly called built-up tar and gravel roof. In some locations, there’s applied a thick layer with plates and fasteners for better roof service.
The Negative And Positive Sides Of Built-Up Roof
There are no flawless roof types. That’s why you have to be aware of both sides of flat roof built-up construction.
The Positive Points Of Built-Up Roofs
These features are connected. Built-up roofs can resist hailstorms, strong winds, impact, and water, as asphalt is the leading adhesive instrument for these roofs. Protection and moisture resilience are incredibly high.
Large sheets of BUR are installed in a way that excludes damages. So, commonly, just a few parts of the roof have to be replaced in time.
A specific BUR type, ballasted asphalt roof, has fire retardant covering.
For years of development, manufacturers have achieved a level of energy confidence concerning built-up roofs. They have formed an ultimate protective layer against UV rays that allows the inside of the building to stay cool.
You can make your rooftop usable as it’s possible to walk on the built-up roofs.
The Negative Points Of Built-Up Roofs
The extra roof weight can cause damage to the building structure. Thus we calculate and check if your roof construction can handle a built-up system.
Every action has to be conducted thoroughly and demands time.
This concerns a hot type of BUR. During its installation, there’s waste smoke.
Outer layers of built-up roofs don’t absorb moisture, so the water stays on the surface as a small pool.
Do you hesitate what to choose?
Our consultant will answer all your questions, just send your contacts and we will call you within 20 minutes. Or send your questions to our e-mail.
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